Required Documents Feature
in progress
Kelley Ramirez
A required documents/online forms feature would make the camp registration process a lot easier for our parents. Currently, they register for camp through activity reg, then we have to email them our camp registration packet so we can ask more in detail questions, such as medical history, immunizations, physician, sign photo releases, field trip permissions, etc. Then they send that back to us, we scan it and upload it into each persons account. In MyRec, there's a feature where you can create forms within the software, and then require that form to be completed when registering for certain programs. You can pull reports of anyone on the roster who have not completed the required documents and send them reminders to have it completed before a deadline. Allowing customers to complete a form one-time, right within activity reg, and then have it automatically saved to their account would save both our customers and our staff a lot of time. It would also save rec departments money from having to use other platforms in conjunction with Sportsman such as CampDocs.
Greg Love
in progress
Greg Love
under review
Lofton, Lela
This feature would be super useful for some our activity registrations. We have an annual Mackinac Island trip through our Senior Services and there are a lot of documents that need to be filled out. The program is through mParks, so we have to use their forms. Currently we do this either in person or by USPS mail if they are from out of town.
Amy Bode
We are only using Activity Reg for our Summer Camp for payment purposes. The Director decided to create a form on Microsoft for the parents to fill out that has all the information that they need for camp. She does keep talking about how she wants to use CampDocs for next year. It would be beneficial for parents to use Activity Reg or Sportsman for their registration and payments and then we wouldn't have to use funds for an additional program.
Jennifer Betenson
Agree! This would be a great addition
Paula Yesiolowski
Agree! This would be a great time saver!
Joanne Iachetta
I totally agree. We use the same process and it is both time consuming and wastes too much paper. Let's save some trees and make this happen
Karrie Hopton
I asked this same question. I do the same thing I ask for required on "one time" documents by follow-up email. I actually have this question already out for review. This would be such an awesome feature... to have it automatically saved to their account so they did not have to fill out the same info every registration for a week to week camp.