Make 'cell phone' field mandatory instead of 'day' field in the Edit Member window
Greg Love
In the new T3 activity reg this is the case and again you can go to site config group setting and change which fields are mandatory in house and online.
Karrie Hopton
Thank you. :)
Greg Love
I want to make sure everyone who has voted/commented on this you can login as an admin and go to site config and the group settings tab and make the cell phone field mandatory for both in house and online.
Kristen DaviBatya
Greg Love Here is a copy of where I found it on the web version.
Greg Love
Kristen DaviBatya That is correct then you click on that and you will see an in house tab and an online tab make sure to check it as required for both if thats what you want
Greg Love
I fixed my comment thanks
Karrie Hopton
I agree!
Presently I have to add "Question: what is the BEST Contact Number to reach you during Camp hours on my camp registrations. :(
I also agree the "Emergency number" Need to be clarified.
Greg Love
under review
Skye Dunn
Greg Love - following up on the status since it's been under review for months. With the CoachLogin feature for instructors, making the cell number mandatory so that they can text the class on short notice of any changes would solve a lot of headaches for us, our instructors, and our customers.
Greg Love
Skye Dunn its coming soon I just spoke with the dev team about it
Greg Love
We are going to be releasing the top couple voted on items in the next couple weeks at the same time
Greg Love
Skye Dunn you do know right now you can go to site config and go to the group settings tab and make that field mandatory right now. What we are changing is just getting rid of the day and evening phone and just having the cell phone field, and on the new activityreg 3.0 that is the case
Hartford Recreation
Just get rid of Day/Evening/Work and just have 'phone'. Also, explain what emergency phone number is...."Someone other than person on account". We constantly get people just repeating their phone number. But, again, if we don't allow people to adjust/make their own accounts, this problem is solved.
Steve Bassett
Hartford Recreation Agreed!
Karrie Hopton
I agree!
Presently I have to add "Question: what is the BEST Contact Number to reach you during Camp hours on my camp registrations. :(
I also agree the "Emergency number" Need to be clarified.
This is a great suggestion!
Krystina George
I agree!!
Steve Bassett
I agree!
Steve Bassett
I agree with this suggestion! - Bess THompson
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