Discount Code
in progress
Greg Love
in progress
Richard Varela
This would make life so much easier for our staff, coaches, volunteers, etc. We give our volunteer coaches a certain amount off their next program but they have to come in or call to use it. We also give out free race coupons or memberships in raffles to help support local causes. They all have to come use it in person, it would be so nice if we could just give them a promo code to use.
Greg Love
under review
Lofton, Lela
This would be great for event ticketing as well.
Kylie O'Connell (lilhorrorgirl)
I would love this, especially for advertising purposes.
Kelly Argyle
Madison Connolly
Yes this would be great for online reservations! Currently, if we offer a promotion, guests need to call or email for our staff to apply a discount to a facility rental. It would be great to allow guests themselves to apply a discount online to alleviate administration time.
Erin Moore