Add Facility Reservations option to the main ribbon on Public Side
Kristen DaviBatya
Currently, "Reserve a Park or Facility" is hidden under the "Register" option on the main ribbon on the Public side of Sportsman. To make it easier for patrons to find the Facility Reservations please add a "Facility Reservations" option to the main ribbon or change the "Register" option on the main ribbon so it reads "Register/Reserve".
Kristen DaviBatya
Thanks! I saw that and love it!
Greg Love
This has been done and is now live!
Greg Love
This has been done and is now live!
David Donnellan
Agreed, and add the membership button as well. We created a button below the ribbon on ActivityReg as a workaround.
Madison Connolly
Yes! We get feedback that a lot of patrons are confused when "Register" includes Membership Sales and Facility Registration. It would be great to have either "Register" renamed to something more specific, or have separate menu toggles for these options.