Ability to Void any transaction in an open till & refund whole transactions
Sam Lunt
Organization - RARA
It would be great to have more control over an open till and void any transaction. For example, if a credit card doesn't go through to Global but shows in Sportsman we have to switch that payment to cash in an open till to void. If the till is closed but not reconciled we have to do record only changes to the till. Since we report all our financials on our city's software, what happens on a till in Sportsman is less important to us than just making sure the totals in each GL account are reported correctly to other software. Being able to quickly have more control over fixing till mistakes would be great. This could also apply to partial refund transactions as if a transaction is a part of a larger one options to correct a mistake are limited. In addition, being able to refund a whole transaction at once instead of multiple refunds for every program in the transaction would be awesome and save time.
David Word
On refunds, at least the ability to highlight all the pieces of a transaction that you want to refund at one time so you aren't sending multiple receipts.