We would like to have the ability to have fees tied to different GLs built into activity registrations that are automatic and not in question form - similar to how the discounts are set up. For example, we have an admin fee for our Senior Travel programs that have a different GL than the activity GL and the fee is higher for non-residents. This prevents us from using the resident logic since we can't just build the fee into the activity price. Currently, we have a question "resident or non-resident" which shows the price and we have to hope patrons registering online are being honest. Similarly, for our theater activities we charge a restoration fee to all patrons and are unable to use the question format at all since the question would be "Agree to Theater Restoration Fee" with a single option, "yes" and the fee attached. We do want patrons to see the breakdown of fees on their receipt, but the questions just seem a bit clunky since they don't really have a choice regarding those fees.