Raw Hours Job Entry
Jake Merrill
I would like the option for my field personnel to add their hours in the raw hours form, similar to what I can do in the timecard entry area. It would eliminate a lot of my time correcting their timecards and adjusting them. I think if you gave administrators this option many would take the opportunity to use it. Raw hours entry would make it much easier for my guys to enter it in the field, especially on change order items where they might be working on different portions of the job. Instead of having to start and stop their time, they could enter 4 hours on job #1, 4 hours on Change Order.
Greg Love
Can anyone else share with me exactly what this might look like for them to be helpful?
Greg Love
I created a ticket for this since you brought it up and I called Jake to get some clarification see ticket 954262 with documents attached ill also attach it here. He wants them to just be able to say for a job I worked 5 hours or 8 hours etc. Instead of the in route, in progress, completed, end of day etc.
Greg Love
Adam Stommes
As a field guy this would be very helpful for entering are items